020 7164 6925
"Audrey, Thanks again for organising the wines. we had a great session and very positive feedback. Including, The West had better look out as the quality of wines from the East which we had was really good."​
Gillian Barnet Wine Group
Ezerjó FPV, Frittmann 2015
Gold Medal Winner at the Sommelier Wine Awards 2017 Judges comments:
"Packed with zesty fruit and floral notes, this Gold Lister had a good citrus kick." Martin Lam, Team Leader
"Apple, citrus and floral aromas, and a crisp, fragrant palate." Jacopo Mazzeo, The Pig Hotel (Brockenhurst)
"Pair with a prawn terrine served with crab claws and citrus jelly." Matthieu Longuère MS, Le Cordon Bleu London
Egri Korona Borház, Kadarka 2013
Eger is a town in northeast Hungary, most famous as the home of 'Bull's Blood', perhaps the only famous wine of Hungary outside of Tokaji. This is made from Kadarka, one of the grape varieties found in the Bull's Blood traditional blend. It's an expressive. modern take on the style, perfumed and aromatic with some violet and kirsch lift to the aromas, though it is a touch volatile too, a note some will like more than others. In the mouth it is dry, a touch of bittersweet chocolate against the cherry fruit, and it does have tang and juiciness.
Tom Cannavan
Wine writer, publisher, broadcaster and wine judge
Tokaji Dry Furmint, Barta 2013
Bronze Medal winner at the Sommelier Wine Awards 2017 Judges comments:
"A honeyed, acacia nose with apple and custard notes on the palate, vibrant character with some glycerol on the finish." Street XO’s Raphael Thierry​
"Intriguing, quite complex with ripe fruit aromas and a juicy tropical fruit palate." Martin Lam, Team Leader
Esoterica LWF 2018: 'BEST table of wine by far, look forward to working with you soon'here t
Szeremley Badacsonyi Kéknyelű 2006
Gold Medal Winner Sommelier Wine Award 2018 (only Gold medal for Hungary)
Judges notes:
A Gold-worthy wine with a strong personality, as Valentin Radosav of Gymkhana found: ‘Delicate mango, pineapple, yellow plum and a creamy nose, with well-balanced acidity on a zesty palate showing tropical fruit and quince flavours with pear and woody beeswax notes and dried apricots on the finish.’
‘A herbal attack with hints of basil, a textured mouthfeel and slightly spritz, too, with a warm finish,’ added team leader Annette Scarfe MW.